B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

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B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

Draft Biodiversity and Trees SPD Consultation Document - May 2024

Representation ID: 23575

Received: 18/06/2024

Respondent: Breckland District Council

Representation Summary:

Breckland Council’s interest, with regard to the Biodiversity and Trees SPD, is on protecting and enhancing the natural environment of Breckland.

We’d like to highlight that the Redgrave and Lopham Site of Special Scientific Interest and the Waveney and Little Ouse Valley Fens Special Area of Conservation that are split between Breckland and Mid Suffolk. These designated sites are part of the key biodiversity sites and geological features in the District.

We’d like to draw attention the importance of creating nature networks. The BNG will be key in delivering and enhancing green and blue infrastructure. Consistent with policy ENV 02 (Retaining and Enhancing Green and Blue Infrastructure) in the emerging Breckland Local Plan, we encourage the proposed SPD to consider BNG delivery opportunities that is appropriate for local context and enhance creating nature networks and linking green infrastructure in line with wider strategic areas, when determining development proposals. These include linking green areas in the local vicinity of a site including designated areas of open space and local green space designations, Public Rights of Way and areas protected by environmental designations. These should be identified to explore possible opportunities for improving connectivity between sites, where appropriate, and in the context of balancing other planning considerations for the site.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Breckland District Council on the Supplementary Planning Documents set out below, please find attached responses on the Biodiversity and Trees SPD and Housing SPD.


B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

Draft Housing SPD Consultation Document - May 2024

Representation ID: 23576

Received: 18/06/2024

Respondent: Breckland District Council

Representation Summary:

We’d like to clarify the interpretation of paragraph 2.2.7. Is that if a developer brings forward multiple sites, they’re not allowed to utilise one site to deliver all the affordable housing and then only market led on the remaining sites.

We’d like to point to paragraph 2.4.2, we’d recommend ‘…this will usually be secured via planning obligations 'and/or' payments through the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).’, as there could be instances where Section 106 and CIL is appropriate.

In an instance where a development may be required to utilise Norfolk/Breckland infrastructure we’d expect to negotiate S106 terms with the developer and Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Breckland District Council on the Supplementary Planning Documents set out below, please find attached responses on the Biodiversity and Trees SPD and Housing SPD.


B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

Draft Intensive Livestock and Poultry SPD Consultation Document - May 2024

Representation ID: 23579

Received: 18/06/2024

Respondent: Breckland District Council

Representation Summary:

Breckland Council’s interest, with regard to the Intensive Livestock and Poultry SPD, is on protecting and enhancing the natural environment and landscape of Breckland and surrounding areas.

The Council emphasizes the importance of ensuring that changes in the countryside are appropriate to its setting and do not overwhelm the inherent character of the landscape. The landscape’s ability to accept a proposed development without undue harm is a prime consideration.
We noted that the importance of the Design and Access Statement has been highlighted in paragraphs 3.5 and 3.6. We’d like to further suggest including in paragraph 3.6 for Design and Access Statement to cover waste management and odour management.

Full text:

Thank you for consulting Breckland District Council on the Supplementary Planning Documents set out below, please find attached responses on the Biodiversity and Trees SPD and Housing SPD.

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