B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

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B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

Draft Housing SPD Consultation Document - May 2024

Representation ID: 23585

Received: 19/06/2024

Respondent: Harris Strategic Land Limited

Agent: Richard Brown Planning

Representation Summary:

These Representations relate to paragraph 2.7 Local Policy 06 (LP06) Supported and Special
Needs Housing
• That the provision of care homes and care accommodation (retirement villages) would
give rise to significant benefits in terms of providing for an established, recognised
need, additional services for the community in addition to savings in public spending
(health care and adult services) will free up family housing as a consequence of elderly
people relocating into the retirement community;
• Will provide additional local employment and contributions to improving natural and
physical infrastructure;
• The Government’s over-arching policy objective is to substantially boost the supply of
housing. Within this there is an increasing focus placed on providing for specialist
housing, with housing for the elderly being one such grouping, this is described in
Government policy as of crucial importance;
• Proposals for retirement villages will address a particular identified need and is a form
of development that is highlighted as making an important contribution, not just to
residential needs, but also wider care needs;
• There is a broad acceptance that the provision of specialised housing for the elderly
results in the freeing up on family housing;
• A central feature of retirement village developments are the facilities and services
provided within the village centre for the “well-being of residents”, and this includes
for the residents a personal needs assessment and a minimum care package and
• Proposals will provide significant local employment opportunities and a contribution
to the local economy. This aligns with one of the key objectives of sustainable
It is submitted, therefore, that specific sites should be allocated for retirement villages in the
Development Plan.

Full text:

On behalf of Harris Strategic Land, we enclose Representations relating to paragraph 2.7 Local Policy 06 (LP06) Supported and Special Needs Housing.

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