B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

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B&MSDC Supplementary Planning Documents Consultation

Draft Intensive Livestock and Poultry SPD Consultation Document - May 2024

Representation ID: 23564

Received: 12/06/2024

Respondent: Suffolk Preservation Society

Representation Summary:

The Mid Suffolk countryside has a high concentration of listed farmhouses and associated farm buildings. Intensive livestock and poultry farming has the potential to impact upon the setting of such designated assets both in terms of visual impacts and industrialisation. The Draft SPD currently makes no reference to the statutory duty to pay special regard to the setting of designated heritage assets when considering development proposals (S66(1) of the PLBC Act 1990). It is notable that the only reference to heritage in the document is found in the EIA pro-forma within the appendix. Therefore, in order to ensure that the guidance in the SPD is as comprehensive as possible, it is suggested that teh setting of heritage assets is specifically referred to within the guidance as a material planning consideration, or at the very least included within the paragraph titled Other Considerations.

Full text:

The Mid Suffolk countryside has a high concentration of listed farmhouses and associated farm buildings. Intensive livestock and poultry farming has the potential to impact upon the setting of such designated assets both in terms of visual impacts and industrialisation. The Draft SPD currently makes no reference to the statutory duty to pay special regard to the setting of designated heritage assets when considering development proposals (S66(1) of the PLBC Act 1990). It is notable that the only reference to heritage in the document is found in the EIA pro-forma within the appendix. Therefore, in order to ensure that the guidance in the SPD is as comprehensive as possible, it is suggested that teh setting of heritage assets is specifically referred to within the guidance as a material planning consideration, or at the very least included within the paragraph titled Other Considerations.

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